For detailed information on the congress program and the registration form see
With the DGO Congress of Central and East European Studies the DGO is offering for the second time an international forum for academic exchange and interdisciplinary dialog on Eastern Europe. In eight sections, ceecon24 will deal with research questions from numerous subject areas. Once again, junior researchers will also have the opportunity to present their research projects at ceecon. Science policy issues such as research funding, the restriction of scientific freedom and scientific cooperation in times of war are also on the agenda.
The main goal of ceecon is to address topics and methodological approaches with a special focus on interdisciplinarity. Therefore, the section are organized thematically. In this way, we would like to promote interdisciplinary exchange and enable discussions about topics relevant to all scholars in the field.
The congress is also accompanied by a cultural program.
ceecon, the DGO-Congress of Central and East European Studies, is the largest multidisciplinary congress on Central and Eastern Europe in the German-speaking realm. It was established in 2022 as a cooperation between the German Association for East European Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde / DGO e.V.) and the Institute for East European Studies (Osteuropa-Institut /OEI) of Freie Universität Berlin. In 2024, the Centre for East European and International Studies (Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien / ZOiS) joint ceecon as a cooperation partner.
Conference broschure (PDF, 18 MB)
07.10., 11:00 Uhr bis 08.10.2024, 17:30 Uhr
Freie Universität
Conference broschure (PDF, 18 MB)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde