Shaping Eastern European Societies and Economies: Culture, Religion and Historical Legacies
Historical past seems to cast a long shadow on the contemporary political, economic and social development. Differences in the levels of economic well-being and corruption, democracy and social inequality appear to be highly path dependent and driven by the legacies of political and social entities long gone. Countries of Eastern Europe, with their highly diverse historical backgrounds, are a fruitful empirical laboratory for studying these long-term historical effects, both associated with the Communist and the pre-Communist past. The conference assembles a number of papers from a wide range of disciplines and methodological approaches offering in-depth investigation whether and how the ‘slow-moving’ factors determine the current developments in the post-Socialist societies. We will, for instance, look at how governments are able to create persistent social values, which outlive their rule; under which conditions do values, practices and institutions show high levels of persistence, how do they survive major historical discontinuities like wars and revolutions and whether these shocks themselves create lasting historical effects; and whether religion and culture matter for economic and social development.
The conference fee (30,00 Euro) is to be paid after registration. Please register until 31 October by e-mail to: .
The conference is organised jointly by the German Association for East European Studies and the Institute of Sociology at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich. Conference leader is Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman.
Conference Program (PDF, 179 kB)