Academia in Ukraine in Times of War
Current Challenges and Future Perspectives
Starting with the report presentation on the consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion for Ukrainian academia, the event continues with a panel discussion on the future challenges and reform directions of the Ukrainian science and higher education system.
The SCIENCE AT RISK Monitoring Report on Ukraine examines the consequences of the Russian full-scale invasion for Ukrainian academia based on the analysis of the online-survey results among Ukrainian scholars. Analysing 1,720 responses, the Report draws conclusions about the state and needs of Ukrainian scientists in times of war.
Welcome addresses:
Christoph Markschies, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Alisa Podolyak, Counselor of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany
Presentation of the SCIENCE AT RISK Emergency Office Monitoring Report Consequences of the Russian military aggression for Ukrainian science and higher education
Philipp Christoph Schmädeke, SCIENCE AT RISK Emergency Office
Maryna Rabinovych, Kyiv School of Economics
Iuliia Iashchenko, Sapienza University of Rome
Panel discussion:
Susann Worschech, KIU Competence Network Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies Frankfurt(Oder) – Berlin
Taras Dobko, Ukrainian Catholic University
Chair: Gabriele Freitag, German Association for East European Studies
agenda_academ… (PDF, 141 kB)