„Russkii mir“ and Russian War

“Russkii mir” (“Russian World”) is the semiofficial ideology of the modern Russian state, which had been used for justification of the Russian expansion, including aggression against Georgia, Ukraine, and the slow incorporation of Belarus. This is a particular type of totalitarian ideology that has no single name, fixed set of ideas, or recognized corpus of the texts. Because of its indistinct nature, it is sometimes called blurred, shimmering, and mosaic. Despite the evident internal uncertainty and inconsistency, the “Russkii mir” ideology demonstrated its enormous capability to provoke large-scale social mobilization, massive support for the number of military interventions, and (semi)official annexations of the territories of the independent states. It spread its influence on, at least, the part of Russian-speaking communities not only in Russia’s neighboring states but also all over the World, including Germany. What name suits better this ideology: Fashism, Raschism, Putinism or “Russian World”? What are the roles of instrumentalization of history and anthropology in the inventing of enemies and “casus belli”? Why Geopolitics is so popular in present-day Russia? Why ideology of “Russkij Mir” is so attractive for Russian intellectuals?

01.11.2022, 18:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Philosophicum I, Haus E, 209
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10D
35394 Gießen


DGO-Zweigstelle Gießen / Marburg