Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe



03.05.2017, Berlin
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

Art and Revolution: Between Freedom and Crisis

Vortrag von Olena Haleta (Ivan Franko Lviv University, z. Zt. HU Berlin)

13.04.2017, Berlin
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

Mihail Pokrovski (1868-1932): About Ukraine and the "Great Russian Chauvinism"

Vortrag von Korine Amacher (University of Geneva)

09.03.2017, Potsdam
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

Leonid Breschnew oder die Kunst, einen westlichen Staatsmann zu mimen

Vortrag von Susanne Schattenberg (Universität Bremen)

26.01.2017, Frankfurt/Oder
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

Local Communities on Polish-Ukrainian Borderlands: Contested Memories and Strategies of Co-Existence

Vortrag von Julia Buyskykh (National Research Institute for Ukrainian Studies, Kyiv)

12.01.2017, Berlin
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

"Novorossija (New Russia)": Historical Genesis and Political Relevance of an Imperial Identity Claim

Vortrag von Wilfried Jilge (DGAP, Berlin)


14.12.2016, Berlin
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

The Visual Language of Patriotism: Right-Wing/Patriotic Fashion in Eastern-Central Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary)

Vortrag von Anna Novikov (Universität Jerusalem)

24.11.2016, Potsdam
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

How We Can Combine Different Perspectives/Narratives of War Time: Lemberg/Lwów/Lviv 1939-1944

Vortrag von Ola Hnatiuk (Universität Warschau, Mohyla-Akademie Kiew)

10.11.2016, Berlin
Lecture Series: Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe

Soviet Federalism after 1945: An External Showcase for the Republics?

Vortrag von Sabine Dullin (SciencesPo Paris)