Junge DGO

Resistance on the Curriculum?

Academic Protest in Hungary

The observation that the Hungarian political system under Viktor Orbán is turning away from democratic principles and, increasingly, from European partners has been solidifying since 2010. The deteriorating quality of democracy becomes tangible not least in Hungary’s educational system, notably in higher education. In this context, the expulsion of the Central European University (CEU) arguably attracted the greatest attention. The panel discussion aims to address this topic and focuses specifically on the lively protests against the so-called “Lex CEU” and the existential threats to the university. We discuss how they can be embedded in the traditions of student protests and what perspectives there are in the struggle for academic freedom in Hungary.

Panel participants:

Ágnes Fernengel (Budapest)
Charlotte Drath (Berlin)
Mátyás Endrey (Berlin)

with an introduction by Tabea Roschka (Munich)

Please register at jungedgo-muenchen@dgo-online.org in order to join the discussion.


Academic Protest in Hungary (PDF, 73 kB)

10.06.2021, 20:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr

Die Veranstaltung findet online statt.



Academic Protest in Hungary (PDF, 73 kB)

DGO-Zweigstelle München